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Our Father Digital Prayer Wall 09-24-2015 — 14 Comments

  1. Prayer for all those attending the World Meeting of Families 2015 in Philadelphia and for the Pope may he have safe journeys as he meets his flock.

  2. For our Fathers as the Head of the Family may they lead their families to Jesus through deeds and prayers as Catholic and Christian Men.

  3. May the leaders of our church have the courage and strenght to lead us in a righteous path of social justice

  4. May the leaders of our church have the courage and strenght to lead us in a righteous path of social justice

  5. I ask the Pope to please bring peace to the world and let no one go hungry…I ask you to please pray for the Querey and Davis family… I will pray for the Pope for strength and hope

  6. dear Pope Francis, thank you for coming to Pennsylvania. Please keep my family in your prayers. I will pray for you. Your presence her made us all feel so peaceful and calm. God has truly blessed us. May your trip home be a good one.

  7. Heavenly Creator, please lift up your children who suffer the horrible disease of addiction, give them hope and guidance.

  8. Please pray for me and my family. We are dealing with many different issues and all of us need extra prayers. Thank you and God Bless.